Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th October 1983-Lake District-Langdales
The next outing of the walking group will take place on Sunday, 16 October, to the Langdale area of the Lake District. The coach will leave the school at 8.00 a.m. promptly, so please assemble for 7.45 a.m. We expect to be back in Formby before 8.00 p.m. There will be a short 'convenience' stop on the motorway on the outward journey. Adequate protective clothing and strong footwear are essential (this means boots for 'A' and 'B' parties - Wellies and trainers are not suitable). Again, jeans are unsuitable on the fells in certain conditions; dry, they offer little protection against wind and cold, and wet, they cling increasing the chill. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 6 October. Details of the walks are given below.

'A' Party
This is a pleasant but rugged walk with plenty of ascent and two or three peaks - Pike O' Blisco (2304 ft), the delightful ridge of Crinkle Crags (2816 ft) and, if time permits, Bowfell (2960 ft). The descent will be via Bowfell Band. The views off the summits are among the finest in Lakeland.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3500 ft
Leaders: Tony Shaw and Dene Comish

'B' Party
The walk starts from the New Dungeon Ghyll Hotel and ascends Side Pike overlooking Blea Tarn. It then follows the ridge to Lingmoor Fell (1530 ft) The descent is made toward Chapel Stile following the Cumbria Way back to the New Dungeon Ghyll car park.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent 1600 ft
Leaders: Bob Blackwell and Allan Frost

'C' Party
Langdale is a beautiful valley surrounded by high fells. This walk will follow the valley floor and there will be plenty of time to enjoy the scenery.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: negligible
Leader: Shirley Syme