Range Walking Club (Walk Cancelled Through Lack of Interest)
Sunday 13th November 1983-Derbyshire-Castleton
The next outing for the walking club will take place on Sunday, 13 November, to the Castleton area of Derbyshire. The coach will leave the school promptly at 8.00 am. so please assemble for 7.45 a.m. we expect to be back in Formby by 6.00 p.m. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Details of each walk are given below. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you intend to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 3 November, 1983.

'A' Walk
From the car park in Edale (124853) the route follows the Pennine Way via Grindsbrook Clough to Kinder Downfall (082889). From Kinder Downfall the walk continues via the Pennine Way (Alternative route) to Edale passing Jacob's Ladder and Upper Booth. The final part of the route is from Edale to Castleton (148829) via Hollins Cross and Hollowford Road.

Distance: 12 miles
Ascent: 1800 ft
Leader: Mr G Orchard.

'B' Walk
The walk will start at Castleton and we shall pass through pleasant farmland to ascend the summit of Loose Hill. From here we shall proceed along the ridge over Back Tor, Barker Bank and on up to Mam Tor. The return to Castleton will be across the moors, dropping down via Pordale to complete the circuit round the hills.

Distance: 9 miles approx
Ascent: 1800 ft. approx.
Leader: Miss J C Wright

'C' Walk
The 'C' walk will start from Castleton after a suitable interval for coffee. We shall proceed up hill by a zigzag path taken at a gentle pace to the view point at Hollins Cross, and then up the ridge to Mam Tor, The total climb is 1000ft. for the day, with (we hope) beautiful views from the top to make the effort worth it. After lunch, we will proceed down hill via the old (unused) road to Castleton where there will be time to explore the village and castle, or descend into one of the famous caves before returning to the coach at 3.45 p.m.

Distance: 5½ miles
Ascent: 1000 ft.
Leader: Mrs A Orman.