Range Walking Club
Sunday 11th March 1984-Lake District-Coniston
The next outing of the walking group will take place on Sunday, 11 March 1984, to the Coniston area of the Lake District, The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we expect to be back by about 7.00 p.m. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Suitable footwear and protective clothing should be worn. Details of the walks are given below. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 23 February, to Barbara Craine. There will probably be a short convenience stop on the motorway on the way out.
'A' Walk - The Coniston Fells
This walk starts from the A593, 1 mile south-west of Skelwith Bridge (312028) and follows the track to Slater Bridge (312028). from here Wetherlam is ascended via Greenburn copper works. The route then continues to Swirl Hawse and Swirl How (273007). The hike continues in a southerly direction to The Old Man of Coniston, which was Lancashire's highest peak until boundaries were re-drawn in 1974. The return is made to Coniston via the Coppermines valley.

Distance: 11 miles
Ascent: 3350 ft
Leaders: G Orchard and G Hurst

'B' Walk
Leaves Coniston via the old railway line to Little Arrow and up over the moor to Goats Water. We shall then ascend to Coniston Old Man (801m). Retracing our steps along the ridge to the col by Little How Crags we then descend to Levers Water and from there back to Coniston via the miners track.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: A Orman and K Ellard
'C' Walk
After an opportunity to look around Hawkshead and have coffee, the 'C' party will start for Tarn Haus. Although some of the walk will of necessity be on quiet roads the route is pleasant. The ascent to Tarn Haus, although steep in places will be taken at a very leisurely pace. The views at Tarn Haus, depending on the weather, could be excellent. A gentle but probably muddy stroll round the tarn will be followed by the downhill walk into Coniston, Sturdy footwear will be essential on this walk.

Distance: 6 - 7 miles
Leaders: J Wright and B Craine