Range Walking Club
Sunday 10th June 1984-Lake District-Troutbeck-Patterdale
The next outing takes place on Sunday, 10 June 1984, to the Troutbeck/Patterdale area of the Lake District. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we expect to be back before 7.30 p.m. A convenience stop will be made on the outward journey at Burton Services, M6. Light refreshments and toilet facilities are available on completion of both 'B' and 'C' walks. Facilities are not available on completion of the 'A' walk, but a motorway stop will be made if required. Adequate protective clothing and walking boots are essential for all walks. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you intend to join and return it to Barbara Craine at the school by Thursday 24 May. It would be helpful if the slips could be returned promptly as the school is on holiday the following week.

'A' Walk
Starting from Hartsop village near Brothers Water the party make the steep ascent of Hartsop Dodd (2028 ft) and then S.S.E. to Stony Cove Pike (2502 ft). Descent east to Threshwaite Mouth and steep ascent to Thornthwaite Crag (2569 ft), then south to Garburn Pass via the ridge of Froswick (2359 ft), Ill Bell (2476 ft) and Yoke (2309 ft). The walk ends at Troutbeck. Really superb views can be expected given reasonable weather.

Distance: 9½ miles
Ascent: 3500 ft.
Leaders: Peter Lucas and Ken Parks

'B' Walk
Starting from Troutbeck the party follow much of the 'A' walk in reverse. The walk will be taken at a slow pace, and the views really merit the effort. A slow gradual ascent N.E. along the Garburn Pass brings us onto the Yoke/Froswick ridge northwards and then to Thornthwaite Crag. A steep descent to Threshwaite Mouth, followed by an interesting scramble brings us to Stony Cove Pike. The final stage descends S.S.W. finishing at the Kirkstone Inn. At the discretion of the leaders on the day, the ascent to Thornthwaite Crag from Troutbeok may be made via Haggs Gill/Scot Rake which lies to the west of the ridge, reducing the total ascent by about 700 ft., but at the expense of some of the views.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 3450 ft.
Leaders: John McEvoy and Ian Gilmour

'C' Walk
The party start walking from Patterdale with a gentle ascent into Grisedale where good views of Ullswater can be enjoyed. The walk continues up the dale on level ground until a footbridge is reached, at which point Grisedale beck is crossed and we return down the valley finishing at Glenridding.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: Joyce Blackwell and Robert Blackwell