Range Walking Club
Sunday 8th July 1984-Yorkshire-Malham
The next outing of the walking club is on Sunday, 8th July to Malham. Without doubt this is an area of outstanding beauty supplemented by unusual geological sights. All walks start and finish in Malham and take in some of the more well known local natural attractions. As a preliminary to the walks a slide show has been arranged upon our arrival. This will last 15 minutes and preview many features incorporated in one or other of' our rambles. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and we hope to return by about 7.00 p.m. Malham has toilet facilities at the car park. Boots are recommended footwear-wellingtons are to be avoided on wet limestone.

'A' Walk
This walk takes in all the well known landmarks of the area. Starting with Janets Foss we proceed via Gordal Scar (including a short rock scramble) to Malham Tarn.(9895673). Taking a westerly course we then walk to Langcliffe Scar and turn south along a limestone escarpment via Victoria Caves and Attermire Scar (839641). Turning east we travel to Malham Cave descending from there back to Malham.

Distance: 13 miles with some short steep ascents
Leaders: Chris Symes and Merion Williams
'B' Walk
Starts by taking in Malham Cove and climbs (very slowly) to the pavement at the summit, some 300 ft. We then proceed east to Gordal Scar (915645) with a short excursion to/from the actual cleft and waterfalls. A short ascent along a minor road then takes us to Weets Top (925635). At this point we turn due south having completed most of our climbing for the day. Over moorland we go to the Quaker village of Airton (904591). Taking a northerly direction we then enjoy a river bank walk via Hamlith back to our starting point.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: Dave Luty and John Yabsley

'C' Walk
This walk starts by following the 'A' route through Janets Foss and, via the pavement to the top of Malham cove. A short ascent then follows to Ing Scar and we then go east to Pikedaw Caverns (875640). A long descent then takes us via Pikedaw Hill back to Malham. This walk affords superb views all the way of the environs of Malham and Malham Tarn.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: Jan Yabsley, Enid Luty and Angie Symes