Range Walking Club
Sunday 4th December 1983-Derbyshire-Macclesfield-Leek
The next outing for the Walking club will take place on Sunday, 4 December. The walk will be along parts of the Derbyshire Gritstone Trail and the Staffordshire Way, between Macclesfield and Leek. The coach will leave the school at 8.30 a.m. so please assemble in good time, for daylight is limited at this time of the year and we want to finish the walk with time to spare before it gets dark. A convenience stop will be made at Knutsford. We should be back in Formby before 6.00 p.m. The cost of the walk is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Details of each walk are given below. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you intend to join, and return it to the school office by Thursday, 24 November.

'A' Walk
This will begin at a point about three miles South East of Macclesfield. (grid ref. 938697). A fairly steep ascent leads onto a ridge top walk along Crocker Hill and past Sutton Common Radio mast. At a little over 1300 ft. this is the highest point attained. It is very exposed so be prepared if the weather looks unfriendly. The party then descends to cross the A254 at grid ref. 942674.

Distance: 12 miles
Leader: Patrick Ferguson

'B' Walk
'A' and 'B' parties now follow the same route. A short and fairly gentle ascent leads up to another ridge, Wincle Minn, from which there are splendid views ahead (south) and to the east and west. This too is exposed, and though there is a tarmac road along here (it is also possible to walk on the grass of the fields it crosses) there is plenty of good mud to come! After Hawkslee Farm (938654) the parties will take to the fields, again muddy fields! The route descends steeply to cross the lovely little valley of the Shell Brook and then rises to Barleyford Farm. Another descent to Barleyford Bridge across the River Dane - whose valley we followed in July - leads to another short climb to a canal. The party will follow the banks of this for a mile or so before crossing fields to reach the Macclesfield to Leek road at grid 930634, the point where the Gritstone Trail and the Staffordshire Way meet.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: Ken Lamb and David Guiver

'C' Walk
All three parties now follow the same route. A short walk along a lane that may be muddy leads to a bridge which carried the old railway. It is along this track that the Staffordshire Way goes for the next couple of miles or so, to the north end of Rudyard Lake. The route then crosses the valley and follows the western side of the lake for the last two or three miles, through woods and fields, to the car park by the Rudyard Hotel, where the walk ends. There is a cafe, toilets, and, for those whose attire might still be classified as their 'Sunday best' the Rudyard Hotel serves afternoon tea.

Distance: 5 miles
Leaders: Maureen Peacock and Shirley Syme