Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th November 1982-Oswestry-Llangollen Area
The next outing for the walking group will take place on Sunday, November 14th in the Oswestry - Llangollen area of the Welsh borderlands, following parts of Offa's Dyke, and part of the Llangollen canal towpath. The coach will leave the school at 8.45 a.m., so please assemble shortly after 8.30 a.m. We expect to be back in Formby by about 6.45 p.m. There will be a stop in Oswestry before the 'A' party commences its walk. The ground is likely to be extremely wet and muddy, so suitable footwear and protective clothing should be worn by all walkers. The cost of the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join and return it to the school office by Thursday, 4th November. Details of the walks are given below.

'A' Party
A short drive west from Oswestry will bring the coach to the old Racecourse (grid ref. 258310). The walk starts here, and after following the road to the north for about a mile (though it may be possible to avoid most of this, it will join Offa's dyke, at Carrog-y-Big. From here the well marked path leads northwards along the Dyke through field and woods, over Selatyn Hill, and down deep steep gullies, before descending to the River Ceirog at Castle Mill (264375). If the weather is kind there should be fine views to the Berwyn mountains on the west, and over the Shropshire plain to the east. Chirk Castle dominates the north side of the Ceirog valley. The party will then ascend through Warren Woods to Tyn-y-groes (264389) A further two miles partly on roads, partly following the Dyke will bring the party to the Llangollen canal, beside the A5 road. From here the route will follow the canal towpath for the remaining six miles to the finish in Llangollen. In doing so it will cross the well known Pont Cysyllte viaduct. A mountain guide book would no doubt classify this section as 'exposed' or 'airy'. Hang on tight, especially if it is windy.

Distance: 14 miles
Ascent: 1500 ft.
Leader: Ken Lamb.

'B' Party
This group will remain on the coach until it has driven round to Castle Mill, where the walk will start. It will follow the same route as the 'A' party from there, until after the crossing of the aqueduct. Depending on time and weather conditions it may then follow a route above the canal, on the lower slopes of the great escarpment overlooking the valley of the River Dee from the north side, to reach Llangollen.

Distance: 9-10 miles
Leader: Patrick Ferguson.

'C' Party
This party will stay in the coach while it drives back through Chirk to the point where the other two parties will join the canal. Those who do not wish to walk over the aqueduct may cross the valley below it and from there will either follow the tow path into Llangollen, or perhaps make a variation a short way up the slopes on the north side of the valley.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: David Guiver and Mrs Maureen Peacock.