Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th March 1983-South Lakes-Arnside
The next outing for the walking group is to the Arnside area of South Lakeland, and will take place on Sunday 13 March. Only two walks have been planned because of the terrain and the time of year (roughly to A/B and C standard). The coach will leave the school at 8.45 a.m. and we should be back in Formby by 5.30 p.m. The cost of the walks is £3.00 for adults and £2.00 for children. Suitable footwear and protective clothing should be worn. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join and return it to school by Thursday, 3rd March. Details of the walks are given below, Neither of these walks is strenuous.

'A'/'B' Party - Beetham - Arnside via Arnside Knott
This walk begins in Beetham village and follows the footpath over Whin Scar (489791) through Underlaid Wood to Hazelslack. The path continues south of Black Dyke to the railway line (466778). The walk continues in a S.S.E. direction close to the railway line to Waterslack (472763) and then through the woods to Arnside Tower (458769). Finally the route takes in Far Arnside (448763), New Barns (443778), Arnside Knott (457775) and ends on Arnside promenade.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: Mr G Orchard and Mrs A Orman

'C' Party
This walk starts at Myers Farm Bird Reserve where there will be time to look around. The route then proceeds across the golf course and through Hagg Wood to Silverdale Village, where there will be a short coffee stop. We then proceed to the coast and follow the coastline past the holiday camp and caravan site to finish at Arnside and the local tea shops.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: Miss J Wright and Mrs B Craine