Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th June 1983-Lake District-Buttermere
The June outing for the walking group takes place on Sunday 12th June, and will be centred on Buttermere in the Lake District. The coach will depart promptly at 7.45 a.m. from school, and we hope to return by 8.30 p.m. The cost is £3.00 plus 3 books/paper backs (for the October book stall) for adults, and £2.00 for children! A toilet stop will be made at Tebay Services on the M6. Limited light refreshments are available at Buttermere on completion of all walks, but we recommend that members bring extra refreshments in view of the later return time. Adequate protective clothing and walking boots are absolutely essential for all walks. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you intend to join, and return together with your remittance (books on the coach please) to Mrs Craine at the school by Thursday, 26th May.

'A' party
Starting from Gatesgarth, the party ascend Fleetwith Pike (2126ft.) via Fleetwith Edge, thence on to Blackbeck Tarn, Innominate Tarn, Haystacks (l900ft.) beloved by Wainwright, and at his request, the place where his ashes are to be scattered. Descent to Scarth Gap, and then ascent to High Crag (2443ft.), following this fine ridge via High Stile (2644ft,) to Buttermere Red Pike (2479ft.), Depending on time and conditions, we have the choice of descent via Scale Force or via Bleaberry Tarn to Buttermere. Really superb views can be expected given reasonable weather.

Distance: 8 or 10 miles
Ascent: 3750 ft
Leaders: John McEvoy and Dave Luty

'B' party
A tougher than average 'B' walk. Ignore the distance, consider the ascent, but don't be put off, it will be taken at a very slow pace, and the views are really worth the effort. Starting from Gatesgarth the walk makes a gradual ascent over 1½ miles to Scarth Gap (1450ft.) and then following a steep 1,000 ft. climb to High Crag (2443ft.), follows the ridge route as described for 'A' party, descending to Buttermere via Bleaberry Tarn.
Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 2600 ft
Leaders: Ken Parks and Stephen Holmes.

'C' party
This will be a leisurely walk amongst delightful, beck, lake, hillside and woodland scenery, most of it on National Trust property. Starting from the shore of Crummock Water, the walk follows a gentle incline along Rannerdale Beck and Squat Beck arriving at Buttermere village for refreshments after which there are 2 possibilities depending on weather etc. Option 1, a walk to Scale Force, a unique opportunity to see Lakeland's highest waterfall and a bathe in the beck if it's hot! Option 2, a walk around Buttermere Lake, savouring the views and lingering as we please. Both finish at Buttermere for yet more refreshment.

Distance: 6 - 7 miles
Leaders: Peter and Shelagh Lucas.