Range Walking Club
Sunday 10th July 1983-Derbyshire-Peak District
The July outing for the walking group will take place on Sunday, 10 July, and will be in the South Western part of the Peak District National Park, in Derbyshire. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.30 a.m. and we hope to return before 7.30 p.m. The cost will be £3.00 (and any books/paperbacks you can spare for the book stall) for adults, and £2.00 for children.

There may be a brief stop at Knutsford Service Station, but there are the usual facilities at Tegg's Nose, the starting point for the 'A'+ party. All three walks finish at the Tittesworth Reservoir where there is a good cafe and opportunities to watch sailing, fishing and bird life, as well as climbing on The Roaches. The 'C' party in particular might like to bring binoculars. Please indicate on the return slip which walk you intend to join, and return it together with your remittance to Barbara Craine at the school by Thursday, 30 June. Books to be handed in on the coach please. Boots are essential for the 'A'+ and 'B' parties, and are advisable for the 'C' party, as there may be a little scrambling on The Roaches. If the weather is hot be sure to bring plenty to drink, for there are no refreshments available en route.

'A'+ party
This is a long walk and those who undertake it should realise that if you begin you will have to finish! - there is no short cut, or accessible pick up point. The party will leave from Tegg's Nose Country Park, overlooking Macclesfield (grid ref. 950733). Unlike most of our walks it will start with a considerable descent. After passing three reservoirs the route climbs gently through forest, onto grassland, and then more steeply to the summit of Shuttlingsloe (976697) which is a splendid vantage point. A steep descent to the village of Wildboar Clough follows, before a further ascent which leads up to meadows and moorland, and then down to Three Shires Head (009685) a beautiful spot for lunch break. The party will then follow the valley of the Dane, past Gradbach. From there it will take the same route as that of the 'B' party, which is described below.

Distance: 17 - 18 miles
Ascent: 2500 ft (mostly quite gentle)
Leader: Patrick Ferguson

'B' Party
The walk starts at Flash (025675) on the A53 from Buxton to Leek. This is reputed to be the highest village in England. The party will descend to Gradbach following a tributary of the River Dane. It will then climb gradually through woodland to Ludd's Church, a natural chasm with walls 60 feet high. The route continues through woods, gently uphill, until it comes out into the open and reaches Bearstone Rock (997655), at the North end of The Roaches. (described in Walk 'C'). This two mile ridge ends in a steep descent to a road, which is followed for a short distance, before turning off into meadows for the home stretch to Tittesworth Reservoir (994604).

Distance: About 9 miles
Ascent: approx. 1000 ft (the pace will be "nice'n easy"
Leaders: David Guiver and Ken Lamb

'C' Party
This will start from a point as near to Bearstone Rook at the Northern end of The Roaches as it is possible to get by coach. If the weather is fine this ridge provides magnificent views and opportunities to watch the numerous rock climbing parties on the gritstone of the Western cliffs. There are also spectacular rock formations resulting from wind erosion. The party will then walk round Hen Cloud and the Southern end of The Roaches, and complete the walk across meadows to the reservoir and a richly deserved cuppa, or whatever takes your fancy!

Distance: 6 - 7 miles
Leaders: Maureen Peacock and Shirley Syme