Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th February 1983-Yorkshire-Bolton Abbey
We are delighted to welcome members and their families to the annual walk which incorporates the Hot-Pot supper. The walks are based on the Wharfedale area of Yorkshire and start from the historic Bolton Abbey. The walks are described as "the most beautiful and famous in the Craven Dales". Supper has been arranged at the Commercial Hotel in Gisburn for which the charge will be £2.00 per person including V.A.T. and. Service charge. Departure time is 8.30 a.m. from school and we hope to return by 7.30 p.m. so enjoy a Valentine Eve treat and join us on Sunday, 13 February. All walks include a section by the river so strong shoes or boots are the order of the day.

The 'C' party will have the opportunity of Mid-morning coffee at the Cavendish Pavilion prior to the commencement of their walk, Opportunities may exist to purchase good quality original paintings which appear to be reasonably priced from £5 to £25. On the pathway through Strid Wood a small charge of 15p is levied as a 'toll'. All parties will encounter this nominal charge and individuals should pay their own way. The cost of the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join. Prompt notification of your booking would be helpful so that we can confirm details to the hotel.

'A' Walk
Starting from Bolton Abbey and following the river for a short time we then climb Desolation Valley (very inaptly named) with many waterfalls and ascend onto moorland. Simon's Seat is attained by a long steady climb and is described as "one of the most dramatic and best loved Yorkshire hilltops". Then follows a steep descent to join the River Wharfe again and a pleasant walk following its course back to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 12 miles
Leaders: J Yabsley and D Luty

'B' Walk
This follows the same paths as those of the 'A' walk to the summit of Simon's Seat. From there a shorter route is taken to rejoin the Wharfe and thence follow the river to Bolton Abbey.

Distance: 9 miles
Leaders: K Ellard and C Symes

'C' Walk
Once again departure point is Bolton Abbey. It then crosses the Wharfe and follows a winding nature trail through Strid Wood to rejoin the river at a point where it plunges through the needle-eye gorge of the Strid. We then follow the river further upstream before crossing at Barden Bridge and returning to the Priory via the opposite bank from our outward journey.

Distance: 6 miles
Leaders: Mrs J Yabeley, Mrs A Symes and Mrs H Ellard