Range Walking Club
Sunday 5th December 1982-Lancashire-Abbeystead
The next outing for the walking group is to the northern part of Bowland, near Abbeystead, and will take place on Sunday, 5 December. Only two walks have been planned because of the time of year (roughly to an A/B and B/C standard). The coach must leave by 8.30 a.m. so please assemble for 8.15 a.m. We should be back in Formby by 5.30 p.m. Convenience stops will be made on the outward and return journeys. Both walks cover wet and muddy ground so suitable footwear, protective clothing and refreshments should be brought. The cost of the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join and return it to the school by Thursday, 25 November. Details of the walks arc given below.

'A' Party
The walk starts from the Jubilee Tower on the Quernmore-Trough of Bowland road and proceeds to the summit of Grit Fell (1540') and thence due east to Ward's Stone (1850'). On a clear day excellent views are to be had of the surrounding fells, Morecambe Bay and the Lakes, Two miles further east we descend from the Fells via the valley of the Farnbrook Wyre - the last couple of miles back to the coach at Abbeystead are on the road. It is essential that participants in this walk have the right boots, waterproofs and warm clothing as the paths are likely to be muddy and long sections are quite exposed. Most of the walk is over private land with limited access to the public.

Distance: 10/11 miles
Ascent: 1000'
Leaders: S Holmes and J McEvoy

'B' Party
A winter ramble through pleasant Lancashire countryside. Starting from Abbeystead the walk proceeds eastwards above the valley of Farnbrook Wyre and returns westward via the wooded valley of Marsham Wyre. It is likely to be very wet and muddy so boots are absolutely essential.

Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: K Parks and J Gilmore