Range Walking Club
Saturday 19th September 1981-Lake District-Patterdale
The next outing for the walking group will take place on Saturday, 19 September 1981. The coach will leave the school car park at 8.00 a.m. promptly for Patterdale in the Lake District, a journey of 2½ - 3.00 hours. The cost will be £2.50 for adults, £1.50 for children. Details of the routes are given below and it would help if you would indicate on the return slip which walking party you would expect to join.

'A' Party
This walk starts from Patterdale and ascends via Angle Tarn to the summit of the Knott and then on to High Raise (approx. 2600 ft.) Views on a fine day show a wide area of Lakeland. The descent follows the Roman road along the ridge for a short way before taking the path down towards Ullswater. It is hoped that the coach will be able to pick up the party at Howtown landing stage. The walk, although to be taken at a moderate pace, is strenuous, requires boots and waterproofs and should only be undertaken by those who have already successfully completed a fairly strenuous 'B' Party walk with FRHSA.

Distance: Approximately 13 - 14 miles
Leaders: Mr M Farthing and Miss J G Wright

'B' Party
This walk is composed of the ascent of Place Fell (2154 ft.) which, though steep, will be taken at a steady pace with suitable stops for rests and refreshments. The views from the summit are spectacular (weather permitting). The descent may be boggy but it is through pleasant countryside and the final 3 miles are on an undulating path along the southern shore of Ullswater. Boots are essential for this walk.

Distance: 7 miles
Ascent: 1700 ft
Leaders: Mr and Mrs D Orman, Mr G Orchard

'C' Party
This is a pleasant, gently undulating walk on the eastern bank of Ullswater, with the lake in view at all times. The walk starts at Patterdale, follows the upper path past a cave and old quarry, skirting Silver Crag to Silver Point and Silver Bay. The return takes the lower path back to Patterdale, and then a short walk along the road to Glenridding. Wainwright describes the return thus "it is the author's opinion that the lakeside path to Patterdale
is the most beautiful and rewarding walk in Lakeland". Grandmothers welcome. Since this is a fairly short walk it is hoped to arrive back in Glenridding in good time for tea at the Glenridding Hotel - numbers will be taken on the day. Please bring a change of shoes.

Distance: 5 - 6 Miles
Leaders: Mr J P Wood and Mr T D Craine.