Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th October 1981-Lake District-Coniston
The next outing of the walking group will be on Sunday,18 October 1981, to the Coniston area of the Lake District. The coach will leave Promptly at 8.00 am, so please assemble at 7.45 a.m. We expect to be back by about 7.30 p.m. Details of the routes are given below and it would help if you would indicate on the return slip which walking party you would expect to join, although you may change your mind on the day if you wish.

'A' Party
Will leave Coniston for Wetherlam (2499 ft), cross Prison Band to Swirl How and along one of the finest ridge walks in the Lake District to Old Man of Coniston (2631 ft). On a fine day the views are magnificent. The route will return down to Coniston and may be varied according to the weather.

Distance: Approximately 9 to 10 miles in about 6 hours.
Leader: Dennis Ashton.

'B' Party
Will leave Coniston following Church Beck to the Miners Bridge and ascend to Walna Scar Road and on to Goats Water and then to Goats Hause and up to the summit of Old Man of Coniston (2631 ft), descending via Low Water beck to Coniston. This walk has magnificent views of Coniston Lake, Dow Crag and a full panoramic view of the North Western area of the Lake District.

Distance: Approximately 7 to 8 miles.
Leaders: Graham Oddy, Robert Blackwell and Alan Frost.

'C' Party
Will start from Torver and follow Torver Beck (very pretty waterfalls) to Walna Scar Bridge, ascending to Blind Tarn at 1,700 ft. Excellent views of Coniston Lake, Morecambe Bay, Dow Crag and Old Man of Coniston. Return via Walna Scar Road and The Miners Path to Church Beck and back to Coniston.

Distance: Approximately 6 to 7 miles.
Leaders: Barbara Oddy and Shirley Syme.

Boots and weather protection are essential on all walks. The coach will be parked in the main car park in Coniston. There are several tea shops open in Coniston and public conveniences are also available. The cost will be £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children.