Range Walking Club
Sunday 15th November 1981-Macclesfield-Tegg's Nose
The next outing of the walking group will take place on Sunday, 15th November 1981 and will be centred on the Tegg's Nose country Park and Gritstone Trail in Cheshire. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m so please assemble for 7.45 am, We expect to return between 6.30 p.m and 7.00 p.m.

All walks are likely to have muddy sections so boots and the usual protective clothing are essential (in addition to food and drink). The coach will be parked in the main car park at Tegg's Nose where toilets are available. We hope that, by arrangement with the Park Ranger, light refreshments will be made available at the end of the walks. Details of the individual walks are given below and it would be helpful if you would indicate on the return slip which party you would like to join. The cost will be £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children.

'A' Party
Will leave Tegg's Nose Car Park and head generally eastwards across hill farmland ascending on to moorland and to Shining Tor (1834 ft.) on the Derbyshire /Cheshire border. Turning south we will cross the main Buxton/Macclesfield road at the Cat-and-Fiddle Inn and eventually descend to the village of Wildboarclough. There then follows a sharp ascent to the summit of the distinctive Shutlingsloe (1659 ft.) and a gradual descent through the Macclesfield Forest to the reservoirs near Langley. The final section is yet another sharp ascent back to Tegg's Nose.

Although we do not exceed 1850 ft. there will be, in total some 3000 ft. of climbing to be done over a distance of 13 miles. In view of the daylight hours available a fairly sharp pace will be set.

Leaders: S Holmes and J McEvoy.

'B' Party
After dropping 'A' and 'C' parties at Tegg's Nose the coach will take 'B' party north to Lyme Park just south of Disley on the A6. From here the walk follows the "Gritstone Trail" southwards for approximately 8 miles through pleasantly undulating countryside finishing at Tegg's Nose. This scenic walk is very varied with elevated views of the Cheshire Plain from the gritstone ridges. Although an easy 'B' walk there will be some uphill walking and muddy paths to be negotiated.

Leaders: K Parks and I Gilmour.

'C' Party 
The party will walk northwards from Tegg's Nose along a short section of the Gritstone Trail (where there are good views) and then turn south-eastwards to reach Macclesfield Forest Chapel. Further walks through the forest lead to the reservoirs near Langley and there is finally a climb back to the car park passing through parts of the Country Park itself where interesting quarry workings exhibits are to be seen. The total distance is 7-8 miles.

Note that the in-walk refreshment facilities normally encountered by 'C' parties are, unfortunately not available in this area so be sure to bring sufficient quantities of your own!

Leaders: J Eddlestone and J Holmes