Range Walking Club
Sunday 13th June 1982-The Peak District (Walk Cancelled Due to Lack of Support)
The next outing for the walking group will take place on Sunday 13th June, and it will be in the South Western area of the Peak District, in Derbyshire and Cheshire. The coach will leave the school at 8.15 a.m. so please assemble in good time. There will be a short convenience stop at Knutsford on the way to the various starting points. There are good facilities for refreshments at Tittesworth Reservoir, where the 'A' and 'B' groups will finish their walks, and to which the 'C' party will be driven when they have finished their walk in the Dovedale area. Parts of the 'A' and 'B' walks could be boggy in places so it is important that boots be worn. If the weather is hot, be, sure to bring plenty to drink, for there is no refreshment available on either of these walks and the 'A' Party has a longer hike than usual. However, it is not too strenuous, and the climbs are gentle. We expect to be back in Formby by about 7.30 p.m. The cost of the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. Details of the walks are given below. Please indicate which one you are likely to join, on the return, slip below, which should be returned to school not later than Thursday, 27 May 1982.

'A' Party 
The Party will leave from Tegg's Nose Country Park, overlooking Macclesfield. (grid ref 950733). Unlike most of our walks it will start with a considerable descent, it will then skirt three reservoirs, including Ridgegate Reservoir, before climbing gently, first through forest, and then onto grassland, to the summit of Shuttlingsloe (976697) which is a splendid vantage point. A steep descent to the little village of Wildboar Clough follows, before a further ascent which leads up to meadows, and along to Three Shires Head (009685), a delightful place for a lunch break. The party will then descend gently along the valley of the Dane past Gradbach, from which point the route will be the same as that followed by the 'B' party, which is described below.

Distance: 17½ miles. 
Total ascent 2,500 ft. This is a long walk, but it will be taken gently and we shall have at least 7 hours in which to complete it.
Leader: Mr P Ferguson.

'B' Party
The walk starts at Flash (025675) on the A53 from Buxton to Leek. This is reputed to be the highest village in England. The party will descend to Gradbach, following a tributary of the river Dane. It will then visit Ludd's Church (a natural chasm with walls 60ft high) before continuing to climb gently through woods up to the Roaches at Bearstone Rock (997655). If the weather is fine the two mile ridge walk provides magnificent views and an opportunity to see numerous rock climbing parties on the gritstone of the Western faces. There are also some spectacular rock formations resulting from erosion. A steep descent to a road, which is followed for a short distance, is followed by the home stretch, over meadows, to the Tittesworth Reservoir (994603).

Distance: approx. 9 miles
Ascent - about 1000 ft. the pace will be "nice'n easy".
Leader: Mr David Guiver

'C' Party
The party will start from the small village of Calton (6 miles North-west of Ashbourne) which preserves its mediaeval plan. The party leaves the village by a green lane, joining the road for a short distance, and then following a footpath through typical White Peak pasture land. A dry valley with steep wooded slopes leads down to the Manifold Valley. The route continues through Parkland to Llam (which may be crowded if the weather is good). The party will then pass the Izaak Walton Hotel, and reach the mouth of the Dove Gorge. The more energetic members of the party may like to climb to the top of Thorpe Cloud (942 ft.) but this is not essential.

Distance: 5 or 6 miles. No difficult sections.
Leader Mr  Ken Lamb.