Range Walking Club
Sunday 11th July 1982-Shropshire-Church Stretton
The last outing of the present school year will take place on Sunday, 11 July, to the Long Mynd area of Shropshire. This is a very attractive area which we have not already visited and there will be opportunities to have a look around Church Stretton as an added bonus. The coach will leave school at 8.15 a.m. and we should be back in Formby by 7.30 p.m., so do bring plenty of liquid refreshment if it looks like being a hot day - cafes will be open so you can be sure of a "cuppa" if you want one! The cost of the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children, Please indicate on the attached slip which walk you intend to join. Estimated journey time: 2¼ hours.

'A' Party
The walk starts at Church Stretton and follows paths along the side of the Long Mynd, past Little Stretton and Minton. At Priors Halt the route takes a sharply upward path through planted pinewoods to the top. The walkers will then return along the top of the Mynd, past the Midland Gliding Club to Church Stretton. A good 'A' walk of 13 miles with fine views of Shropshire and Montgomery.

Leaders: Keith Ellard and Chris Syme

'B' Party
A pleasant walk along the floor of an attractive valley with a long, steady ascent at the head of the valley onto the tops of the hills. An easy walk along the tops ends with a couple of sharp (but short) ascents and a long, steep descent and easy walk to the finish. The height attained is 1,600 ft overall and the distance is 9 miles.

Leaders: John Yabsley and Dave Luty

'C' Party
This walk will start at the southern end of Long Mynd and join The Portway (a Roman road) half way up a gradual incline, The track is still very easy to follow and the views at the top are well worth the climb on the ridge we shall pass the Long Mynd forest and have plenty of time to stop and watch the gliding at the Midlands Gliding Club. Further along the Portway we meet Ashes Hollow and so back to Little Stretton where the coach will meet us.
Distance: 7 miles
Leaders: Jan Yabsley and Angie Syme