Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th February 1982-Cheshire-Burwardsley
The next outing of the Walking Club will take place on Sunday, 14 February. The coach will leave at 8.45 a.m.

The walks will be over the undulating Cheshire countryside and will end at the candle factory at Burwardsley. All three walks are at low levels over good paths, so adverse weather should not cause any problems although stout shoes or boots should be worn as parts will be over muddy ground.

As this is the occasion of our annual meal, arrangements have been made for all the walks to end at the Candle Factory at Burwardsley where we will be eating. The management of the factory are arranging for the factory to remain open after the normal closing time (4.30 p.m.) so that members can look round before we eat at 5.00 p.m. The meal!  which will consist of hot-pot, apple pie and coffee, will cost £1.60, including gratuities (cheaper than last year).

Give your husbands a break from the dishes and join us on our St Valentine's Day outing. Three walks have been arranged which will be suitable for all members. 
The 'A' Walk is about 14 miles
The 'B' Walk approximately 11 miles 
The 'C' Walk about eight miles.