Range Walking Club
Sunday 25th April 1982-Lake District-Glenridding (Walks Cancelled due to Coaches Failing to Arrive)
The next outing of the group will be to the Patterdale/Glenridding area of the Lake District and will take place on Sunday, 25 April. The coach will leave promptly at 8.00 a.m. so please assemble for 7.45 a.m. We expect to return for 8.30 p.m. approximately. The cost is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. A toilet stop will be made on the M6 at Burton Services, Light refreshments are available at Glenridding on completion of the walks. NB: All the walks require adequate protective clothing, such as good boots and waterproofs, particularly for the 'A' and 'B' parties. Rocky and muddy footpaths will be encountered on each. Details of the individual walks are given below. It would be helpful if you indicate on the return slip which party you would like to join.

'A' PARTY - approximately 10 miles and 2,900' ascent
The walk will commence from Patterdale along Grisedale, ascending to Dollywagon Pike (2810'). The ridge to Helvellyn (3118') will then be followed and the return to Glenridding will be via Striding Edge. One or two steep grass ascents will be featured and there will be some exposed scrambling on Striding Edge. Good views are the reward, given good conditions.

Leaders: Mr K Parks and Mr J McEvoy

'B' PARTY - approximately 8 miles and 3200' climbing
From Bridgend this walk will proceed along Deepdale and ascend to Deepdale Hause, If the weather permits, we will proceed to the summit of Fairfield (2,810') via Cofa Pike. The return to Glenridding will be via St Sunday Crag
(2,750'). The variety of views encountered on this walk make it well worth the effort and. it is to be hoped that the weather will be kind.

Leaders: Mr S Holmes and Mr I Gilmour

'C' Party - approximately 5½ miles and 1300' climbing
This is a circular walk based on Glenridding and involving circling Sheffield Pike via Glencoynedale and Glenridding Beck. It is a little more strenuous than some previous 'C' walks but the pace will be very slow. There are good views of Ullswater.

Leaders: Mr and Mrs Eddlestone