Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th September 1980-Yorkshire-Clapham
The first walk of the new school year will take place on Sunday, 14th September. Details of the various walking groups are set out below and if you would like to attend you are asked to fill in the attached slip and return it to Mr Farthing in Room 4 by Tuesday, 9th September at the latest. It would be helpful if you could give some indication of which walking group you would probably join although this is not binding in any way.

Since the walks are centred on Ingleborough and Pen-y-Ghent area of  North Yorkshire, the journey requires an early start. There are toilet facilities at the dropping off point, Horton-in-Ribblesdale, and therefore the coach will start from the school car park at 8.00 a.m. promptly and will not stop en route. It is scheduled to return at approximately 7.30 p.m. The cost is £2.00 for adults, £1.00 for children.

The excursion on 14th September will be the first walk of the new season and we hope that you will join us and get into the swing of things early. The walks selected are graded to provide a good cross-section giving everyone a choice suitable to their requirements. As all the walks include open moorland it is recommended that boots or strong shoes with waterproofs and warm clothing are used for personal comfort.

'A' Party
This party set forth from Horton-in-Ribblesdale and climb Pen-y-Ghent, a climb of some 1450 ft, including a steep section of 300ft! From the summit one can get some fine views - weather permitting. Then descending by the Pennine Path route we pick up the path beaten by the 'C' party back to Clapham. Depending on the weather and fitness, extensions to the walk are possible. Basic distance is approximately 12 - 13 miles.

Leaders: C. Symes and D. Luty

'A'+ Party
Start with the ascent of Pen-y-Ghent in conjunction with 'A' party then after descending pick up the route taken by the 'B' party then climb Ingleborough and descend to Clapham. In miles covered and feet climbed this walk is similar to the A+ walk we did in the Langdales. Estimated distance is 16 - 17 miles.

Leader: R. Walker

'B' Party
Starting where all the parties commence their walks - Horton in Ribblesdale, there is a persistent but gentle ascent of 1600 ft to the summit of Ingleborough with a panoramic view of the moors and Lakeland. From the summit it is downhill back to the National Park Centre at Clapham to avail oneself of the refreshments and other facilities plus opportunity to view the caves mentioned in 'C' party. Distance covered is approximately 9 - 10 miles.

Leaders: P. Freeth and J. Yabeley

'C' Party
A relatively easy stroll of 6 - 7 miles with moderate climb in the first 2 miles. Later part of walk is through woodland and ends at the National Park Centre at Clapham where it will be possible to visit the local cave system (70p admittance for adults) and which takes approximately 40 minutes to view.

Leaders: A. Freeth and J. Yabsley