Range Walking Club
Sunday 12th October 1980-Derbyshire-Edale
Information about the next walk on Sunday, 12th October in the Derbyshire Peak District has been set out below. Cost of the excursion will be £2.00 for adults, £1.00 for children. If you would like to go, please return the attached slip to Mr Farthing in room 4 as soon as possible but certainly by Monday, 6th October. It would be helpful if you would indicate which party you would expect to join although this is not an irrevocable decision in any Way.

General Information
All three walks are centred on Edale in a very attractive part of the Derbyshire Peak District, Since all the walks involve some walking on exposed moorland and wet or muddy ground walking boots, waterproofs and warm clothing are strongly recommended. Toilets are available at both starting points. Light refreshments are available in the Edale area and the National Park Information Centre is worth a visit if time permits after the walks.

Transport Arrangements
We should set off from the school at 8.30 a.m. at the latest. The 'A' party is to be dropped off at the village of Hayfield (this is half-way between Glossop and Chapel-en-le-Frith on the A624) at about 10.30 a.m. The coach then carries on to Edale with the 'B' and 'C' parties and should arrive about 11.00 a.m. at the car park near Edale Station. All walks should be completed by 4.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. so we should arrive back home around 7.00 p.m.

'A' Party
The walk starts from the village of Hayfield. A short road section leads to Kinder Reservoir and there follows a gradual ascent to intersect the Pennine Way Path to the N.W. of the Kinder Scout Plateau. This path is then followed back to Edale around the western edge of the plateau via Kinder Downfall and Jacob's Ladder. Weather permitting, there are some fine views with unusual contrasts in scenery. Total climb is approximately 1400' and distance covered 10-11 miles

Leaders: S Holmes and J McEvoy

'B' Party
This walk commences from, and returns to, the car park adjacent to Edale Station. It starts in a westerly direction with a very gradual ascent of approx, 1200' on to the open moorland of Kinder over a distance of 3 - 4 miles prior to lunch. There are many stiles and some muddy stretches to negotiate with one short steep section to climb at Jacob's Ladder. Mostly level or downhill after lunch with excellent panoramic views on the major part of the walk. An easy but rewarding 'B' walk of approx. 7 - 8 miles (if weather permits some extensions are possible).

Leaders: K Parks and I Gilmour

'C' Party
Compared with recent 'C' walks this one could be rated as 'C+' since it involves approx. 1000' of climb with some muddy and exposed sections. It, also, starts from the Edale car park. After crossing the Edale Valley there is a gradual ascent to the ridge at Hollin's Cross. There then follows a fine ridge walk via Mam Tor and Rushup Edge with excellent views to north and south before returning to Edale. Total distance covered is approx. 7 miles.

Leaders: M Eddlestone and J Eddlestone