Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th November 1980-Lake District-Grasmere
The next walk is to take place on Sunday, 16 November 1980 in the Grasmere area of the Lake District. Cost of the excursion will be £2.00 for adults, £1.50 for children. The coach will leave the school car park at 8.00 a.m. and will return approximately 7.00 - 7.30 p.m. Details of the walking parties are given below and if you would like to go please fill in the attached slip and return it to Mr Farthing in Room 4 as soon as possible but certainly by Monday, 10 November 1980. It would help us in our planning if you would give some indication of which party the members of your family will probably join on the day. All three routes are based on the fells surrounding Grasmere where the walks will finish, enabling some time to be spent in the village itself since there are many interesting features to be visited including numerous tea shops. Since we can expect the weather to be wintry, it is essential that everyone is well equipped with woolen jumpers, warm trousers (not denim jeans), windproof anorak and waterproofs. Boots are necessary for the 'A' and 'B' walks. It is advisable to have a good supply of food and a warm drink as well as a change of clothing to be left in the coach in case it is wet.

'A' Party
The walk starts from Grasmere and takes the path to Rydal church. A steep climb follows on to Nab Scar and Heron Pike and there is then a ridge walk to Fairfield. From Fairfield there is a very steep descent to Grisedale Hause and down Little Tongue Beck back to Grasmere. Boots and good. waterproofs are essential for this walk. Total distance is 9 miles and there is 2700 ft of climbing. Only people who have previously walked a Range 'B' walk should join this 'A' party. In the event of low cloud this walk may have to be amended or altered.

Leaders: M. Farthing and G. Orchard

'B' Party
The walk starts from the main car park in Grasmere and continues to Easedale Tarn via Sour Milk Gill. Although this part of the route is gaining height as we walk up beside the stream and attractive waterfalls it is not particularly strenuous and the surroundings are superb. From Easedale Tarn we turn left up a steep path to the summit of Blea Rigg (1600 ft of ascent), This is the hardest part of the day being a steep 'painful' ascent but, taken slowly, it provides the best way to the top with beautiful views over the mountains to the other lakes beyond. After Blea Rigg, has been completed, the walk then follows the easy undulating ridge route towards Silver How before dropping down to Grasmere village. This is a most rewarding and interesting walk with different areas of the Lake District becoming visible all the time and, apart from the steep climb up Blea Rigg, is not too demanding. The pace of this walk will be quite slow and is not suitable for the 'mountain goats'. Much of the ground is inclined to be marshy and, perhaps by then, icy so that boots are essential for anyone wanting to join this group.

Distance: Approx 8 miles
Leaders: J. Wright and M. Price

'C' Party
This is a gentle walk covering about 6 miles with very little climbing over minor roads and recognised paths. It is hoped to walk from Grasmere to Rydal with a coffee stop on Loughrigg Terrace. There will be an opportunity to look round Rydal village followed by a walk back to Grasmere on the other side of the lake in time to spend about an hour in Grasmere village where there is a National Trust shop, an Art Gallery, garden centre and various gift and tea shops.

Leaders: A. Orman and D. Orman