Range Walking Club
Sunday 9th May 1981-North Lake District-Borrowdale
The next outing for the walking group will take place on Saturday, 9 May and will be centred on Seatoller in the Borrowdale area of the Lake District. In view of the length of the journey (approx 3hrs) it is essential that the coach leaves the school car park at 8.00 a.m. promptly, please assemble for 7.45 a.m. A stop for a short toilet break will be made at one of the motorway stations on the outward journey. Since refreshment facilities in the Borrowdale area are minimal it is recommended that, in addition to the requirements for the actual walks, sufficient refreshments are brought along to cover for snacks on the outward and return journeys. At this time of year, the weather may be hot and conditions very dehydrating so please take plenty to drink on the walks. We should arrive back at the school by  9.00 - 9.30 p.m. The cost for the walks is £2.50 for adults and £1.50 for children. Details for the three walks are given below and it would be helpful if you could indicate on the return slip which one you would expect to join,

Special Note
The 'C' party will have to discharge from the coach on a narrow section of road en route for Seatoller - we would prefer members of that party to occupy the front half of the coach, where possible, and be ready to alight promptly as soon as it stops.

'A' Party
The party will leave the car park at Seatoller, follow the road to Seathwaite and then climb steeply up by Sour Milk Gill and its waterfalls. Another fairly level section follows along the pleasant Gillercombe leading to the next steep climb to the top of Green Gable. The aptly-named Windy Gap is then crossed before making the final steep ascent to the summit of Great Gable (2949'). The strenuous effort will be rewarded by the spectacular all-round views if the weather is kind. The return route will depend on the conditions. Some mild scrambling is involved and there may be boggy ground - good boots, the usual protective clothing and rations (especially plenty to drink) are essential.

Distance: 8-9 miles
Total ascent: 2750'
Leaders: S Holmes and J McEvoy

'B' Party
The walk will start from the car park at Seatoller making a gradual ascent southwards to Glaramara (2560t) and thence to Allen Crags (given fair weather, excellent views of the major fells, west to Great Gable and South-east to the Langdales, will be seen during this very pleasant high level route) returning to Seatoller via Grains Gill and Seathwaite. It is a slightly tougher 'B' walk than we normally arrange but the pace will be slow. Boots and waterproofs are essential.

Distance: approx 9 miles
Total ascent: 2700'
Leaders: K Parks and I Gilmour

'C' Party
This walk will start at Ashness Lane End on the Keswick-Seatoller road (please see special note) and involves 6-7 miles of the best gentle walking in the Lakes, featuring the excellent view points at Ashness Bridge and Strutta Wood, Lodore Falls and Watendlath, and follows through to Seatoller via Rosthwaite There is some rough and wet terrain so walking boots are essential.

Leaders: M Eddlestone and J Eddlestone