Range Walking Club
Sunday 14th June 1981-Wales-Berwyn Mountains
The next outing for the walking group will take place on Sunday, 14 June 1981. The coach will leave the school car park at 8.00 a.m. promptly for Corwen in the Berwyn Mountains and should return between 8.30 and 9.00 p.m. The cost will be £2.50 for adults, £1.50 for children. Details of the routes are given below and it would help if you would indicate on the return slip which walking party you would expect to join. On the outward journey there will be a short stop in Corwen where toilets are available. The village of Llangynog, where all the walks will end, has ample facilities for refreshments.

Special note. 
Walkers on the 'A' and 'B' parties will visit the spectacular Pistyl Rhaeadr Waterfall, which is 240 ft high. There is a very pleasant cafe there, but it is important to note that this is not the end of the walk. There is a further 3½ miles to go, and a gentle woodland start is followed by a stiff ascent of some 700 ft. This is followed by a mainly grassy descent of about 1000 ft, and a half mile stretch along a level road to Llangynog. Those who plan to imbibe large quantities of fizzy drink at the falls cafe should think again. You have been warned!

'A' Party
This will leave the coach about ten minutes drive from Corwen, on the B4401. A steady , but not too steep ascent up what remains of a Roman Road, leads to the Northern most summit of the main Berwyn Ridge. The climb of 2200 ft is achieved in about 3½ miles. From there a 2 mile walk along the undulating ridge with splendid views, from Snowdonia to the Midlands leads to the main summit, Moel Sych. A fairly steep descent leads to an easy path down an attractive valley, to the falls. The rest is described in the special note above.

Distance: 11½ miles 
Total ascent: 3200 ft
Leader: Mr Ferguson

'B' Party 
A further 20 minutes in the coach leads to the top of a pass on the B4391. From here a ridge walk of 3½ miles leads over open and rough heath land to the top of Moel Sych. The ascent here is about 1400 feet. The rest of the walk is as for the 'A' party. Boots, drink and suitable clothing essential.

Distance: 9 miles
Ascent: 2100 ft
Leader: Mr Ryan

'C' Party
This is a circular walk, ascending the Y Gribin above Llangynog 700 - 800 ft, followed by easy walking down woodland tracks and lanes. Low level alternatives walks are also possible. Boots preferable, but shoes with good soles will be adequate.
Distance: 6 miles
Leader: Mr Lamb