Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th January 1981-Lake District-Kentmere
The next walk is to take place on Sunday, 16th January in the Kentmere area of the Southern Lake District. The coach will leave school promptly at 8.00 a.m. and is expected to return by 6.00 p.m. Since no facilities are open in Kentmere, all food and hot drinks will have to be taken. The coach will stop for 10 minutes in each direction on the M6. Cost of the excursion will be £2.00 for adults, £1.00 for children. Numbers are restricted to 55 - 60 people and therefore if you would like to attend please return the attached slip to Mr Farthing, in room 4 as soon as possible but certainly by 3.45 p.m. on Tuesday, 13th January. Details of the walks have been provided by the leaders and set out below It would help if you could indicate on the slip provisionally which walking party you expect to join on the day.

'A' Party
The 'A' walk will depart west up the Garburn Pass, height 1,475 ft crossing wet open fells ascending on to the Yoke (2309 ft) to Ill Bell (2476 ft) to Froswick (2359 ft) to Thornthwaite Crag (2569 ft). Thornthwaite Beacon is a l4 ft walled column and is one of the most distinguished in Lakeland. The party will proceed to High Street wall corners across open fell above Bleathwaite Crag to Mardale Ill Bell (2,496 ft) with views of Haweswater, Bleawater and Smallwater, to the Nan Bield Pass with delightful zig zags returning to Kentmere Reservoir and the coach. This descent is 1650 ft in half a mile, with some scree.
Distance: 10¾ miles
Ascent: 3000 ft
Leader: Dennis Ashton
'B' Party
The 'B' walk will start from Kentmere church, up the East side of the valley to Hollowbank Farm and then ascend on to Kentmere Pike (2397 ft) Brown Howe, and Harter Fell if weather permits. Then to the head of Nan Bield Pass descending to Smallthwaite Knott over Tongue Scar to Overend Farm and then returning up the path used on the way out. This walk is very wet in places and the ridges are exposed.
Distance:  9½ miles
Ascent: 1600 ft
Leader: Graham Oddy

'C' Party
The 'C' walk will leave Kentmere heading north up the River Kent to the waterfalls and returning via the east side of the reservoir, ascending 500 ft to Smallthwaite Knot - descending via Tongue Scar to Overend Farm. There are magnificent views of the valley on this section, returning via the valley bottom to Kentmere. This is a very picturesque walk which will be taken at a fairly leisurely pace.
Distance:  5 miles
Ascent: 500 ft
Leader: Barbara Oddy

Variations of all walks may have to be made on the day according to weather and ground conditions.