Range Walking Club
Saturday 13th December 1980-Lancashire-Rivington
The next outing for the walking group is to be held on Saturday, 13th December. Details of the two routes being offered are set out below. If you would like to attend this walk, please fill in the attached slip and return it to Mr Farthing in room 4 as soon as possible but certainly by Wednesday, 3rd December. Cost will be £2.00 for adults, £1.00 for children. The coach will leave school at 8.45 a.m. and should return between 6.00 and 6.30 p.m.

General Information 
The walks will be in the Belmont, Winter Hill, Rivington area of the Pennines, a few miles North of Bolton. They will start from the same point, and make for the little village of Belmont. Rivington, where the walks will end, is a popular recreational area. Many of the surrounding moorlands, and Rivington itself, were owned by the North West Water Authority, who operate eight reservoirs. - Belmont, which walkers will cross, three at Rivington, and four more a little further North. At one time Liverpool obtained most of its water from Rivington, but that now serves the nearby towns, and Merseyside water comes from North Wales. The walks will end at Rivington Lower Barn, where refreshments and toilets will be available. Since the walks involve crossing open moorland, and ground which may be wet and muddy, with a possibility of snow and ice, warm clothing and waterproofs must be taken. Boots are strongly recommended for the 'B' party and essential for the 'A' party.

'A' Party
The walk will start from a point near the Delph Reservoir, and follow the road alongside woodlands for a short distance. The party will then turn towards Turton Moor, along the course of an old mining tramway. After this the party will proceed round the shoulder of Longworth Moor, which is wet, rough and 'has no paths. This section is not very long though, and a good track is reached leading to a farm. The farm road then takes the party to Belmont Reservoir. Footpaths are followed for the next mile or so through fields, to the foot of Winter Hill. The climb to the summit involves an ascent of 600 or 700 ft up a gently sloping path, which could be very wet. on top of the hill is the Radio and T.V. station, and the tremendously high transmission mast. If we encounter freezing conditions, a detour will have to be made across the moors to keep out of range of falling ice! A gentle descent by track and path, offering extensive views ahead and below, leads to Rivington Pike with its tower on top of a very steep mound. A short walk from there brings the party to the Dove Cot, built by Lord Leverhulme. The final section of the walk is the descent through the extensive ornamental gardens, laid out in terraces and belonging to the Bungalow, a large private residence of Lord Leverhulme. The Bungalow was burned down by the suffragettes.

Distance: Approx 10 miles
Leaders: Mr Ferguson and Mr Kennedy

'B' Party
Starting from the same point as the 'A' party, the walkers will follow a country lane for a short distance, before diverting up a good track, beside woodlands at first, then on to the open moorland. After some distance, they will reach the point where the 'A' party join the same track, and the route is the same as far as Belmont Reservoir. It then diverges from the 'A' route, crosses the dam, and passes the Belmont Yacht Club. Roads, track, and a muddy path lead gently uphill. Then a cobbled road will be followed round the shoulder of Winter Hill, offering splendid views if the weather is kind, to the Dove Cot at the top of the terraced gardens. The remainder of the walk is the same as the 'A' party, though there may be more time to enjoy the gardens.

Distance: Approx 7-8 miles
Leader: Mr Ryan