Range Walking Club
Sunday 18th November 1979-Cheshire-Sandstone Trail
WR/WO  - 19 October 1979

Dear Parents


Those of you who have had pupils in the school for some years will remember that several very successful walks were arranged for the members of F.R.H.S.A. Unfortunately, for several reasons, few walks have taken place over the last year but, in reply to a letter sent out recently, a small group of parents and teachers have met with the purpose of arranging a programme of walks for the present school year and we hope that these will be enjoyable occasions for you and your families.

At the meeting it was arranged that the first walk would be on Sunday, 18 November, 1979, and after that, subsequent outings would take place, probably on the third Sunday in the month although we would welcome any comments on this suggestion. I have set out below details of this walk and we hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us.

The walk will be arranged in Cheshire, the Sandstone Trail, and two groups will be organised, one walking from Kelsall to Burwardsley (approximately 7 miles) and the other from Delamere to Higher Burwardsley (approximately 9½ miles). A coach will leave Range High School at 8.45 a.m. in order to start the walk at 10.15 a.m. The walks will end at 5.00 p.m., the coach returning to Formby by 6.15 p.m. It will be necessary to have a packed lunch and sturdy footwear and a waterproof although it would be advisable also to have some spare clothes to leave in the coach. The walk finishes near the Cheshire workshops at Burwardsley (a craft and candles centre) where refreshments are available. The trip will, cost £1.50 for adults and 75p for children. If you would like to come, please return the attached slip and appropriate money to me at school as soon as possible as only one coach is available - first come, first served! No refunds can be made unless there are exceptional circumstances. No slips can be accepted after Thursday, 25 October.

Other walks have been arranged in the areas of the Trough of Bowland, Lancaster, Langdales, etc, and several parents have kindly offered to arrange and lead these walks. If anyone else has any suggestions or would be willing to offer this kind of help, I should be delighted if you would contact me at school. Information will be sent out about the following walks as soon as details have been finalised, I should be grateful if interested walkers would return the slip for future letters.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

J G Wright (Miss)