Range Walking Club
Sunday 16th March 1980-Wales-Loggerheads
Two walks have been planned for March, the first on Sunday, 16th March 1980, and the second on Saturday, 29th March 1980. Details of the walks are set out below with the return slips for both walks and you are asked to complete the information for either one or two at the same time and return it with the appropriate fee to Room 4 as soon as possible. Cost will be £1.50 adults, 75p children. Coaches will leave at 8.45 a.m. and return at approximately 6.00 p.m. on both occasions.

Leaders: Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Gilmour

'A' Party
To start from Bodfari, picking up the Offa's Dyke path and ending the walk at Loggerheads. The route is over clearly trodden paths with a fair amount of uphill walking as well as pleasant flatter parts. Most of the walk is on a high ridge inclined to be bleak. The strenuous nature of this route would recommend it to those who like a more demanding walk, and for this reason, is only suitable for those with good walking boots and protective clothing.

Length: approximately 12 miles.

'B' Party
Will start from a small village just north of Loggerheads and after a short walk up a lane the party will meet the Offa's Dyke trail which will be followed over the summit of Moel Fammau down into Loggerheads.

Length approximately 8 miles.