Range Walking Club
Sunday 20th January 1980-Lancashire-Barley
The next walk will be on Sunday, 20 January 1980, details of which are set out below. The coach will leave the school promptly at 8.45 a.m. and return approximately 6.30 p.m. Cost of the trip will be £1.50 adults, 75p children. If you would like to go on this excursion, please complete the attached slip and return it to school  room 4 with the appropriate fee as soon as possible. Since there is only one walking group on this occasion, places will have to be restricted to one coach.

After a journey of approximately 1¾ hours, the walking party will start from Roughlee and proceed via the edge of Pendle Forest to the village of Barley. From there, the top of Pendle Hill is reached via the "Big End" (1831 ft). The ramble continues along the ridge before returning to Barley, a distance of 6½ miles with lovely views on the way. The leaders for this walk will be Mr R Williamson and Mr E Williams. At approximately 2.00 p.m. the coach will leave for Towneley Hall, near Burnley, a most interesting ancestral hall converted into a museum of folk lore and crafts,

As well as a packed lunch, walkers will need waterproofs and warm clothing as well as a change in case of wet weather. On this walk the terrain is rough and muddy so that walking boots or stout waterproof walking shoes are essential and wellingtons will not be at all suitable. Ordinary shoes must be worn inside Towneley Hall.