Range Walking Club
Sunday 17th February 1980-Arnside-Silverdale
The next walk will take place on Sunday, l7th February, 1980, in the Arnside-Silverdale area, a few miles north of Lancaster. Details of the two walking groups are set out below. The coaches will leave at 8.45 a.m. promptly and return between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. cost will be £1.50 for adults, 75p for children. Anyone wishing to go on this walk is asked to fill in the attached return slip and send it with the correct fee as soon as possible in order to secure places. Slips should be returned only to Mr.Farthing in room 4. handing in money to another place or person may result in places being lost as they are allocated on a first come-first served basis.

Walk Details
Both walks will cover similar terrain but the 'A' party walk will be 8-9 miles and the 'B' party walk approximately 7 miles. The distance will include woodlands, beaches hills and cliff paths, all the time having the most beautiful views over the bay to Grange over Sands and the Lakeland hills. This walk is definitely a "family" walk with plenty of interest but little strenuous climbing. Although walking boots are ideal, stout walking shoes would be adequate or even Wellingtons but these could be too slippery. The coach will stay at Arnside while the parties ramble, including Arnside Knott and Tower on their routes before having a packed lunch at Silverdale, Any enthusiastic bird watcher would be advised to bring binoculars as there are many species of birds to be seen. This is a most delightful excursion which we thoroughly enjoyed. on our "reconnaissance" trip and would strongly recommend. The walks both end at Arnside where there are tea and other small shops open.